
Stay Supernaturally Relaxed

Come to Me, all You who labor and are heavy-laden and overburdened, and I will cause you to rest.
                            -- Matthew 11:28

The longer we know the Lord, the more relaxed we should become when we face situations that try to steal our peace. Previous experience with God is valuable because we learn that somehow He always comes through. Each time we face a new crisis, we can remember that even though He may not have done exactly what we wanted Him to do, He always did something that worked out. Relaxing in the face of trials helps us to maintain our peace with God.

New believers who do not have personal examples on which to build their confidence in God must be more dependent on examples in the Bible of God's faithfulness. The testimonies of other believers can also greatly encourage them. Remember, Jesus said that we are to come to Him when we have problems,and He will give us rest.

Jesus wants us to live in a relaxed state, not tense, uptight, worried, or anxious about yesterday, today, or tomorrow. We can stop reasoning and trying to figure out what we need to do. And the Lord doesn't want us to be upset with other people who aren't doing what we want them to either.

Jesus wants us to trust Him and relax. I call this being supernaturally relaxed, because in the natural we may have difficulty learning how or finding time to relax. But when God adds His super to our natural, we end up with supernatural. We can have supernatural relaxation!Jesus was saying, 'Come to Me about anything, because I always want to help you with everything.' There's nothing too little and nothing too big to take to Him. You can't take too much. You can't have too many requests.


Finish What You Start

For We have become fellows with Christ and share in all He has for us, if only we hold our first newborn confidence and original assured expectation firm and unshaken to the end.
                                    ----- Hebrews 3:14

Do not, therefore, fling away your fearless confidence,for it carries a great and glorious compensation of reward.
                                          --- Hebrews 10:35

But we do desire for each of you to show the same diligence and sincerity in realizing and enjoying the full assurance and development of hope until the end.
                                               --- Hebrews 6:11

All of the scriptures above should be meditated upon and taken very seriously. God is not interested in our starting things that we never finish. It is easy to begin, but it takes great courage to finish. In the beginning of a new thing we get all excited. We have a lot of emotions( Ours and everyone else's) to support us. When the emotions wear off and all that is left is a lot of hard work and the need for extreme patience, we find out who really has what it takes to truly succeed.

In God's mind we are never successful if we stop somewhere along the way. He wants us to finish our course and do it with joy!If you have been tempted recently to give up-- DON'T!If you don't finish the thing you are currently involved in, you will face the same challenges in the next thing you start. Some people spend all their lives starting new things and never finishing anything. Let us make a decision that we will be more than people who never reached their full potential.