
在世末日 Last Day on Earth

你们今日若听他的话,就不可硬着心. Today, if you will hear His voice, do not harden your hearts
                                                                                            ---Hebrew 4:7


What Would you do if you knew you had only one day left to live? That's what Gunther Klempnauer asked 625 young German students in 12 vocational schools. His findings revealed that 20% of the young men questioned would spend their last day on earth drinking, taking drugs, and pursuing young women.


A different response came from an 18 years old woman who wrote 'I would like to spend my last evening in church (to be alone with God) to thank Him for a full and happy life.'

现在让我问你: 如果你知道这是你的最后24小时,你想你会做什么呢?如果你不是一个跟随基督的人,最聪明的就是信靠他为你的救主.如果你已是一个基督徒,你就可能要处理一些尚未完成却影响你的属天奖赏的事务.

Let me ask you: What do you think you'd do if you knew this was it -- your last 24 hours?If you are not a follower of Christ, the wisest things to do would be to trust Him as your Savior. Or if you are a Christian, you may need to take care of some unfinished business that could affect your heavenly rewards. Is there someone you need to apologize to? Do you owe anyone money, a visit, or just a word of encouragement? If it's within your power to act, now is the time to do it.


Sure, you may have many more years, but on the other hand, you may not. Why not act as if this day is your last? Now is always the best time to do God's will, because now is all you have for sure!


神的声音 The Voice Of God

耶和华的声音大有能力. The Voice of the LORD is powerful
                                                                                                   -- Psalm 29:4


Secular society exalts science and man's ability to do almost anything. As a result, many people feel no need for God. Even if they believe He exists, they say that He is silent and cannot be known.

我们身为基督徒要小心,使自己不受世俗思想的影响,我们应该听一听大卫在诗篇第29篇里说些什么.他清楚的告诉我们,神有好些令人印象深刻和无可否认的办法,叫我们感觉到他的临在.例如,雷声尚未传达岸边,还在远处水面隆隆作响之时,就称为'耶和华的声音'. 他提醒我们,他是大有能力,蛮有威严的.

We are Christians need to be careful that we are not influenced by secular thinking. We should listen to what David said in Psalm 29. He made it clear that God has some impressive and undeniable ways to make us sense His presence. For instance, the thunder that rumbles over distant waters before it comes ashore is called' the voice of the LORD.' It reminds us that He is powerful and majestic.


What David was describing , of course, is an audible and visible expression of God's creative power. Unlike the dead idols that unbelievers trust, God reveals His presence in awe inspiring ways that are unmistakable if we listen with the ears of faith. For David, the voice of God was a call to worship the One who not only rules the universe but also gives 'strength to His people'


Do you sometimes feels that God is far off somewhere, removed from life? Then observe the lightning. Listen to the thunder. As David did, think of it as the voice of God speaking with great power and majesty.