According to a story I read, a wealthy man had a reputation for being stingy with his money. One day as he talked to the pastor of his church, he asked' why do people accuse me of being a miser even though they know that I have stated in my will that when i die all my money will be given to charity?'
牧师讲了一个关于猪和牛的寓言,来回应他的问题.猪埋怨说,他不明白为何人人喜欢牛多于猪.他说'我知道你们牛有奶可以给人喝,但我们猪能给予他们熏肉和火腿啊!' 牛回答:'不错,你说得对.不过有一个极大分别.我们牛在生存期间已乐意的供给奶,你们猪只是在死后才供给.'
The Minister responded by telling a fable about a pig and a cow. The pig complained that he couldn't understand why people liked cows more than pigs. He said' I know that you cows give milk to people. But we pigs give them bacon and ham.' Yes'. said the Cow. 'that's true. But there's one big difference. We cows are glad to do our giving while we're living. You pigs only do your giving after you're dead.'
It certainly is commendable to include worthy because in our wills--but not at the expense of cheerful giving right here and now. If we fail to give generously because it would alter our lifestyle or conflict with our desire for things, we lose out on God's full favor. How pleased the Lord must have been when the Israelites gave so willingly and generously for the building of the tabernacle that Moses had to tell them not to bring any more!
Remember, the Lord loves cheerful givers. What kind of giver are you?
Never Too Old 永不太老
求你使我们早早饱得你的慈爱,好叫我们一生一世欢呼喜乐.Satisfy us early with Your mercy, that we may rejoice and be glad all our days!-----Psalm 90:14
Look at what some people have accomplished despite advancing age. When Grandma Moses was 100, she was still painting. George Bernard Shaw wrote a play at 94. Arthur Rubinstein gave a great recital at Carnegie Hall when he was 89. And at 82, Winston Churchill wrote a History of the English--Speaking People.
The Bible tells of many godly people who didn't let the advancing years stop them-- Caleb and Moses, for instance. At 80, Caleb was one of the men sent to spy out the land of Canaan, and later he was allowed to enter the Promised Land. And Moses continued to lead the people of Israel faithfully until he was 120. The secret of their success was faith in God and an attitude of steadfastness until God called them home.
There are many people who have lived far beyond the 70 years mentioned in Psalm 90:10. They are still bearing 'fruit in old age' by encouraging others and using their energy in God's service. Others, however, far younger, have decided to coast home.
As long as we have strength, we need to dedicate ourselves to the Lord's service. Then, no matter what our age, we can 'rejoice and be glad'
It Hurts To Love 爱的伤痛
When Israel was a child, I loved him... My people are bent on backsliding from Me. 以色列年幼的时候,我爱他...我的民偏要背道离开我.Hosea 何11:1,7
If you want to go through life with as little sorrow or pain as possible, don't love anybody. Every time you let yourself love,you open the door to pain. A person who falls in love and marries may shed many tears over the illness or death of the spouse. Parents who love their children will suffer many hurts as they watch them grow up.
We can spare ourselves much pain if we don't let ourselves become emotionally attached to anyone. But we will also miss out on some of the greatest joys in life. The more we love, the more we suffer. That's true. But the path of selfless love is also the path to some of our greatest joys.
In Hosea 11, God spoke of His love for Israel. He compared Himself to a father caring for a child.(vv3-4). But the people who should have brough Him joy caused Him pain instead. They rejected His love and guidance and did not honor him(vv5-7). God said He would discipline them,yet His sympathy was stirred and He promised He would not destroy the nation(v.9)
Loving others makes us vulnerable to hurt and disappointment,but the rewards are great. Let's choose to love in spite of the pain it may bring.
为刺而感谢 Thanks For Thorns
I take pleasure in infirmities,....in distresses, for Christ's sake.(林后12:10)
To give thanks in every situation is sometimes very difficult. When our bodies are wracked by pain, or we have just learned that we have a physical problem for which there is no cure, or we have lost our job, or a cherished relationship has been broken, we don't feel grateful. But we can learn to thank God because He gives us strength when we feel weak.
That is why the apostle Paul could say, 'I take pleasure in infirmities,...in distresses, for Christ's sake.' and as believers, we can be grateful that through such experiences God is accomplishing what is best for us. Even through suffering He is working for our good
Scottish author and preacher George Matheson,who was blind,expressed this prayer:'I have thanked Thee a thousand times for my roses, but never once for my 'thorn'....teach me the glory of my cross; teach me the value of my 'thorn'. Show me that I have climbed to Thee by the path of pain. Show me that my tears have made my rainbow.'
As we surrender ourselves to the Lord and remember that He is working in everything to accomplish our ultimate good ,we can thank Him when we are pierced by 'thorns'
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