
It Hurts To Love 爱的伤痛

When Israel was a child, I loved him... My people are bent on backsliding from Me. 以色列年幼的时候,我爱他...我的民偏要背道离开我.
                                                                                       Hosea 何11:1,7


If you want to go through life with as little sorrow or pain as possible, don't love anybody. Every time you let yourself love,you open the door to pain. A person who falls in love and marries may shed many tears over the illness or death of the spouse. Parents who love their children will suffer many hurts as they watch them grow up.


We can spare ourselves much pain if we don't let ourselves become emotionally attached to anyone. But we will also miss out on some of the greatest joys in life. The more we love, the more we suffer. That's true. But the path of selfless love is also the path to some of our greatest joys.


In Hosea 11, God spoke of His love for Israel. He compared Himself to a father caring for a child.(vv3-4). But the people who should have brough Him joy caused Him pain instead. They rejected His love and guidance and did not honor him(vv5-7). God said He would discipline them,yet His sympathy was stirred and He promised He would not destroy the nation(v.9)


Loving others makes us vulnerable to hurt and disappointment,but the rewards are great. Let's choose to love in spite of the pain it may bring.
