


耶稣正前往耶路撒冷的路上,要完成他在十字架上的任务.群众蜂拥而至包围他,矮小的撒盖 非得爬上一棵树,才看得到耶稣.撒该原想,只想看最伟大的教师一眼,就心满意足,但耶稣居然停下来,抬头直视他!那时撒该在人群中根本不受注意,就这样,撒该开始一段与耶稣同处的时光,而这个际遇彻底的改变了他的生命.



Laughter: Good Medicine 笑是良药

喜乐的心乃是乃是良药. A merry heart does good, like medicine.
                                                                  Proverbs 17:22

嘎尼克 所著的'美好家园'一书中,有一篇题为'常笑豁达得健康'的文章,对几千年前所罗门在箴言中所写的做了回应.嘎尼克说:'医学研究显示,幽默谐趣是良药--的确可以帮助你保持健康的身体.' 他又说到有位叫做弗莱的医生,形容人的笑是'内部的缓步跑'. 对人的心血管系统非常有益.

Nick Gallo, in his better Homes and Gardens article titled ' Laugh Your Way to Good Health.' makes an observation that echoes what Solomon wrote thousands of years ago. Mr. Gallo said,' New research shows that humor is good medicine.-- And says that it's good for a person's cardiovascular system.


Comparing laughter to exercise, Gallo points out that when a person laughs heartily, several physical benefits occur. There is a temporary lowering of blood pressure, a decreased rate of breathing, and a reduction in muscle tension. He reports that many people sense a 'relaxed afterglow'. Gallo concluded, 'An enduring sense of humor, especially combined with other inner resources such as faith and optimism, appears to be a potent force of better health.'


Christians, above all others, should benefit from laughter because we have the greatest reason to be joyful. Our faith is firmly planted in God, and our optimism is based on the assurance that we are under His wise control.


Don't be afraid to enjoy a good laugh-- It's good medicine!