More than 2000 years ago a sculptor erected a statue in a Greek temple. He had spent much time perfecting it. When asked why he gave the same painstaking care to the back, which wouldn't be seen, as he did to the front, he replied,'that's the way I always work. Men may never see it , but I believe the gods do !'
How much greater reason Christians have for doing their work conscientiously! They labor not for applause nor merely for the joy of accomplishment, but they strive for the approval for their Creator and Redeemer, and for the blessing of mankind.
God created man with a mind and a body, and they function best when occupied with fruitful endeavor. Even before sin entered the world, He assigned Adam the task of tending the Garden of Eden. Work has become more difficult because of Adam's sin, but it is always honorable. Even the lowest type of service can be performed with the highest motive--that of honoring God. Labor done for His glory transforms common drudgery into a wonderful opportunity that brings joy and satisfaction.
Today, pause to consider Paul's admonition and determine anew to perform your daily tasks faithfully--'not with eye service, as men-pleasers, but in sincerity of heart,fearing God.
The Big Piece 大的一片
You may have heard the story of two friends who met for dinner in a restaurant. Each requested filet of sole, and after a few minutes the waiter came back with their order. Two pieces of fish, a large and a small, were on the same platter. One of the men proceeded to serve his friend. Placing the small piece on a plate, he handed it across the table.
他的朋友惊叫起来:'这样嘛,你的确厚面皮!'另一个反问:'是什么正困扰你呀?' 对方回答'请看看你自己做了什么?你竟然把小的一片给我,而自己却保留大的.'那人再问他的朋友:' 那你会怎么做?' 这位朋友回答:'如果由我来分,我必定会把大的给你.' 那人便回答说'那么,我已经拿到这片大的了.可不是吗?'到此,两人都笑了起来.
'Well, you certainly do have nerve!'. exclaimed his friend. ' What's troubling you?' asked the other. 'Look what you've done.' he answered. 'You've given me the little piece and kept the big one for yourself.' 'How would you have done it ?' the man asked. His friend replied, 'if I were serving, I would have given you the big piece.' 'Well,' replied the man.' I've got it, haven't I?' At this, they both laughed.
Innate selfishness, however, is no laughing matter. When James and John asked Jesus for a prominent position in His kingdom, and the other 10 disciples heard it, they were indignant. We may presume that they too wanted to sit in the places of authority.
How often our old nature demands the big piece or the prominent place! We try to maneuver for positions of authority and leadership. Instead, we must follow the example of our Lord, who 'did not come to be served, but to serve'
You may have heard the story of two friends who met for dinner in a restaurant. Each requested filet of sole, and after a few minutes the waiter came back with their order. Two pieces of fish, a large and a small, were on the same platter. One of the men proceeded to serve his friend. Placing the small piece on a plate, he handed it across the table.
他的朋友惊叫起来:'这样嘛,你的确厚面皮!'另一个反问:'是什么正困扰你呀?' 对方回答'请看看你自己做了什么?你竟然把小的一片给我,而自己却保留大的.'那人再问他的朋友:' 那你会怎么做?' 这位朋友回答:'如果由我来分,我必定会把大的给你.' 那人便回答说'那么,我已经拿到这片大的了.可不是吗?'到此,两人都笑了起来.
'Well, you certainly do have nerve!'. exclaimed his friend. ' What's troubling you?' asked the other. 'Look what you've done.' he answered. 'You've given me the little piece and kept the big one for yourself.' 'How would you have done it ?' the man asked. His friend replied, 'if I were serving, I would have given you the big piece.' 'Well,' replied the man.' I've got it, haven't I?' At this, they both laughed.
Innate selfishness, however, is no laughing matter. When James and John asked Jesus for a prominent position in His kingdom, and the other 10 disciples heard it, they were indignant. We may presume that they too wanted to sit in the places of authority.
How often our old nature demands the big piece or the prominent place! We try to maneuver for positions of authority and leadership. Instead, we must follow the example of our Lord, who 'did not come to be served, but to serve'
Faith To Obey 以信心去顺服
Then I knew that this was the word of the Lord. So I bought the field---------- Jeremiah 32:8-9
一位女士和一位事业成功的年青商人结了婚.那位男士有好名声,入息也优裕.后来,他察觉神呼召他把所经营的生意出售,到圣经学院去,并且加入宣教士的事奉行列.对于他的妻子来说,放弃这些东西似乎是太傻了.不过她仍相信神要她遵从丈夫的引领.她当时虽有内在的挣扎--但她终于找到使她顺服的信心. 今天他们正经历着神的赐福,因为她丈夫在巴西用得着他的技能.
A woman was married to a successful young businessman. He had a good reputation and an excellent income. Then he sensed that God was calling him to sell his business, go to Bible school, and enter missionary service. To his wife, it seemed foolish to give up so much. Yet she believed God wanted her to follow her husband's lead. She struggled within herself-- but found the faith to obey. Today they are experiencing God's blessing as he uses his skills in Brazil.
In our Bible reading today, Jeremiah bought a piece of real estate from his cousin Hanamel while Jerusalem was under siege. Jeremiah purchased the field even though he had already prophesied that the city was going to fall. This didn't make sense. Why buy property in a land that was about to be occupied by the enemy? Because God had told him to. The Lord used this incident to dramatize His promise that Israel would again possess that Land.(Jer.32:15)
We need that same willingness to obey the Lord even if it doesn't seem to make sense. If He gives a comand, our part is to believe Him and carry it out.
The issue may not be as dramatic for us. Sometimes it may seem pointless to be honest instead of deceitful, or to forgive rather than hold a grudge. But whatever God calls us to do, we need to faith to obey.
Jehovah- Jireh 耶和华以勒
Where God guides, He provides.
一位新婚的女子计划招待一班朋友到家中,但她发觉缺乏一些需要物品,于是她到邻舍那里去借.那邻舍将她所列出的物品交给他之后便问她:"够了吗?" 她回答说:"我想够了."
A young newlywed planned to entertain friends but lacked some of the things she would need. So she went to a neighbor to borrow them. After giving her the items, the woman asked, 'is that all you want?" Yes, I think so.' she answered.
但是,她的邻舍--一位经验丰富的女主人,又递给她另外一些物品,然后说:"你还需要这件,又需要那件,有需要这些." 后来这女子谈到这件事说:"我真感激这位女士,她知道我所需的,又愿意供给我."
Then her neighbor, who was an experienced hostess, handed her some additional items and said,' but you will need some of this, and that, and some more of these.' Later the young woman remarked, ' I was so thankful for someone who knew exactly what I needed and was willing to supply it.'
How well that describes God! In today's Scripture, Abraham said that the place where God supplied a ram for sacrifice should be called' Jehovah-Jireh' or ' The Lord Will Provide.' This phrase reveals God's character. He knows exactly what need and provides it at just the right time.
神以他的独生儿子为我们在十字架上献上赎罪祭,这救恩已经白白赐给我们.不但如此,他也赐下圣灵,好使我们得着力量去遵行他的旨意.'神既不爱惜自己的儿子,为我们众人舍了, 岂不也把万物和他一同白白的赐给我们么?' (罗8:32),他必预备!当我们觉得缺乏时,请勿忘记!
God has given us salvation through the sacrifice of His Son one the cross. But that's not all. He also provides power through the Holy Spirit so that we can do His will. ' He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things?"(Ro.8:32). The Lord will provide! That's good to remember when our needs seem to be overwhelming.
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