
Faith To Obey 以信心去顺服

Then I knew that this was the word of the Lord. So I bought the field
                     ---------- Jeremiah 32:8-9

一位女士和一位事业成功的年青商人结了婚.那位男士有好名声,入息也优裕.后来,他察觉神呼召他把所经营的生意出售,到圣经学院去,并且加入宣教士的事奉行列.对于他的妻子来说,放弃这些东西似乎是太傻了.不过她仍相信神要她遵从丈夫的引领.她当时虽有内在的挣扎--但她终于找到使她顺服的信心. 今天他们正经历着神的赐福,因为她丈夫在巴西用得着他的技能.

A woman was married to a successful young businessman. He had a good reputation and an excellent income. Then he sensed that God was calling him to sell his business, go to Bible school, and enter missionary service. To his wife, it seemed foolish to give up so much. Yet she believed God wanted her to follow her husband's lead. She struggled within herself-- but found the faith to obey. Today they are experiencing God's blessing as he uses his skills in Brazil.


In our Bible reading today, Jeremiah bought a piece of real estate from his cousin Hanamel while Jerusalem was under siege. Jeremiah purchased the field even though he had already prophesied that the city was going to fall. This didn't make sense. Why buy property in a land that was about to be occupied by the enemy? Because God had told him to. The Lord used this incident to dramatize His promise that Israel would again possess that Land.(Jer.32:15)


We need that same willingness to obey the Lord even if it doesn't seem to make sense. If He gives a comand, our part is to believe Him and carry it out.


The issue may not be as dramatic for us. Sometimes it may seem pointless to be honest instead of deceitful, or to forgive rather than hold a grudge. But whatever God calls us to do, we need to faith to obey.
