
Jehovah- Jireh 耶和华以勒

Where God guides, He provides.

一位新婚的女子计划招待一班朋友到家中,但她发觉缺乏一些需要物品,于是她到邻舍那里去借.那邻舍将她所列出的物品交给他之后便问她:"够了吗?" 她回答说:"我想够了."

A young newlywed planned to entertain friends but lacked some of the things she would need. So she went to a neighbor to borrow them. After giving her the items, the woman asked, 'is that all you want?" Yes, I think so.' she answered.

但是,她的邻舍--一位经验丰富的女主人,又递给她另外一些物品,然后说:"你还需要这件,又需要那件,有需要这些." 后来这女子谈到这件事说:"我真感激这位女士,她知道我所需的,又愿意供给我."

 Then her neighbor, who was an experienced hostess, handed her some additional items and said,' but you will need some of this, and that, and some more of these.' Later the young woman remarked, ' I was so thankful for someone who knew exactly what I needed and was willing to supply it.'


How well that describes God! In today's Scripture, Abraham said that the place where God supplied a ram for sacrifice should be called' Jehovah-Jireh' or ' The Lord Will Provide.' This phrase reveals God's character. He knows exactly what need and provides it at just the right time.

神以他的独生儿子为我们在十字架上献上赎罪祭,这救恩已经白白赐给我们.不但如此,他也赐下圣灵,好使我们得着力量去遵行他的旨意.'神既不爱惜自己的儿子,为我们众人舍了, 岂不也把万物和他一同白白的赐给我们么?' (罗8:32),他必预备!当我们觉得缺乏时,请勿忘记!

God has given us salvation through the sacrifice of His Son one the cross. But that's not all. He also provides power through the Holy Spirit so that we can do His will. ' He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things?"(Ro.8:32). The Lord will provide! That's good to remember when our needs seem to be overwhelming.
