
Who Do You Wrok For? 你为谁工作?


More than 2000 years ago a sculptor erected a statue in a Greek temple. He had spent much time perfecting it. When asked why he gave the same painstaking care to the back, which wouldn't be seen, as he did to the front, he replied,'that's the way I always work. Men may never see it , but I believe the gods do !'


How much greater reason Christians have for doing their work conscientiously! They labor not for applause nor merely for the joy of accomplishment, but they strive for the approval for their Creator and Redeemer, and for the blessing of mankind.


God created man with a mind and a body, and they function best when occupied with fruitful endeavor. Even before sin entered the world, He assigned Adam the task of tending the Garden of Eden. Work has become more difficult because of Adam's sin, but it is always honorable. Even the lowest type of service can be performed with the highest motive--that of honoring God. Labor done for His glory transforms common drudgery into a wonderful opportunity that brings joy and satisfaction.


Today, pause to consider Paul's admonition and determine anew to perform your daily tasks faithfully--'not with eye service, as men-pleasers, but in sincerity of heart,fearing God.
