求你使我们早早饱得你的慈爱,好叫我们一生一世欢呼喜乐.Satisfy us early with Your mercy, that we may rejoice and be glad all our days!-----Psalm 90:14
Look at what some people have accomplished despite advancing age. When Grandma Moses was 100, she was still painting. George Bernard Shaw wrote a play at 94. Arthur Rubinstein gave a great recital at Carnegie Hall when he was 89. And at 82, Winston Churchill wrote a History of the English--Speaking People.
The Bible tells of many godly people who didn't let the advancing years stop them-- Caleb and Moses, for instance. At 80, Caleb was one of the men sent to spy out the land of Canaan, and later he was allowed to enter the Promised Land. And Moses continued to lead the people of Israel faithfully until he was 120. The secret of their success was faith in God and an attitude of steadfastness until God called them home.
There are many people who have lived far beyond the 70 years mentioned in Psalm 90:10. They are still bearing 'fruit in old age' by encouraging others and using their energy in God's service. Others, however, far younger, have decided to coast home.
As long as we have strength, we need to dedicate ourselves to the Lord's service. Then, no matter what our age, we can 'rejoice and be glad'