耶和华的声音大有能力. The Voice of the LORD is powerful-- Psalm 29:4
Secular society exalts science and man's ability to do almost anything. As a result, many people feel no need for God. Even if they believe He exists, they say that He is silent and cannot be known.
我们身为基督徒要小心,使自己不受世俗思想的影响,我们应该听一听大卫在诗篇第29篇里说些什么.他清楚的告诉我们,神有好些令人印象深刻和无可否认的办法,叫我们感觉到他的临在.例如,雷声尚未传达岸边,还在远处水面隆隆作响之时,就称为'耶和华的声音'. 他提醒我们,他是大有能力,蛮有威严的.
We are Christians need to be careful that we are not influenced by secular thinking. We should listen to what David said in Psalm 29. He made it clear that God has some impressive and undeniable ways to make us sense His presence. For instance, the thunder that rumbles over distant waters before it comes ashore is called' the voice of the LORD.' It reminds us that He is powerful and majestic.
What David was describing , of course, is an audible and visible expression of God's creative power. Unlike the dead idols that unbelievers trust, God reveals His presence in awe inspiring ways that are unmistakable if we listen with the ears of faith. For David, the voice of God was a call to worship the One who not only rules the universe but also gives 'strength to His people'
Do you sometimes feels that God is far off somewhere, removed from life? Then observe the lightning. Listen to the thunder. As David did, think of it as the voice of God speaking with great power and majesty.