
Step Out and Find Out

No Eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what Gos has prepared for those who love him.

                               --- 1 Corinthians 2:9

 Perhaps God has been speaking to you about some changes in your life and you want  them,but you are afraid. I want to encourage you not to be afraid to step out. Even if you make a mistake, it won't be the end of the world.

Go through the doors He is opening. You may even have to take a few steps in some direction and see if a door previously closed will open as you approach it. Maybe you have a little direction from God, but you don't see the full picture. God leads step by step. He may never show you step two until you take step one. I am not advocating doing foolish things, but I do encourage you to find the balance between living in fear and living in wisdom.

God is progressive, and I have found that my faith is also. I may have a little faith, and so God shows me a little something to do. Then as I am faithful over the little thing, He shows me the next step, and by then, my faith has grown to be able to handle it.

Don't spend all of your life looking back and wishing you had tried different things or done things differently. Wondering what could have been is a lonely feeling. I can promise you that you will not enjoy everything you try. But at least you will have the personal experience of knowing. You won't have to live your whole life hearing about what everyone else is doing and wondering what it would be like. You are not going to be able to do everything, but step out in God's timing into the things you feel He is leading you into.



Cease from anger and forsake wrath;fret not yourself---it tends only to evildoing.
---Psalm 37:8

Whenever I find myself in a situation I can't do anything about, I have found that a good way to cast my care upon the Lord is simply to say ,"oh,well".

Take,for example,the morning that someone spilled his orange juice in the car and got a little of bit on your sweater. Immediately he said,"devil, I'm not impressed." and you said"oh, well." so that problem was solved, and we pressed forward with the rest of our day.

Some things just aren't worth getting upset about,yet many people do.unfortunately a large majority of Christians are upset,fretful,and full of anxiety most of the time.it is not the big things that get to them;it is the little things that don't fit into their plans.instead of casting their care and just saying,"oh,well," they are always trying to do something about something they can't do anything about. On more than one occasion that simple phrase"oh,well" has really helped to make it through.


The Holy Spirit as a Lifter

And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Comforter,that He may remain with you forever.
                     ---- JOHN 14:16
Do you know that even the ministry of the Holy Spirit is one of lifting up?Before Jesus ascended into heaven, He said to His disciples,'I am going to ask the Father to send the Holy Spirit upon you to be your Comforter.' The Greek word from which the word 'Comforter' is translated in this verse is parakletos, meaning 'called to one's side,ie.to one's aid.' In other words the Comforter is one who comes to stand alongside to encourage, edify, and exhort. Everything the Holy Spirit does is to keep us lifted up. He is our permanent' pick me up' to keep us from becoming depressed.

According to Webster's II new college Dictionary(1995), depress means: 1. To lower in spirits:SADDEN. 2.To Press down: LOWER. 3.To lessen the activity or the force of:WEAKEN.'

When Satan comes against you and me to depress us, he is trying to lower our spirits, sadden us, press us down, lessen our activity and force for God. He is trying to keep us from moving forward, because one of the synonyms of the word depressed is backward. Satan wants to use depression to 'pull our power plug.' to drive us backward, while God wants to empower us and propel us forward. The question is,are we pressing on or are we being pressed down?

Each one of us has to face and deal with disappointments and discouraging people and situations every day of our lives. However, we have been given the Holy spirit to help lift us up and see us through.


Keep Saing to Yourself

And there was a woman who had had a flow of blood for 12 years. And who had endured much suffering under many physicians and had spent all that she had, and was no better but instead grew worse. She had heard the reports concerning Jesus, and she came up behind Him in the throng and touched His garment. For she kept saying,If I only touch His garments, I shall be restored to health.
    --- Mark 5:25- 28

What about the woman with the issue of blood? She had been having the same problem for 12 years. She had suffered greatly, and no one had been able to help her. Surely this woman was being attacked with thoughts of hopelessness. When she thought about going to Jesus, surely she must have heard, 'what's the use?' But she pressed on past the crowd that was so thick on all sides that it was suffocating. She touched the hem of Jesus' garment, healing virtue flowed to her, and she was made well. But there is a part we don't want to miss:"For she kept saying, If I only touch His garments, I shall be restored to health."

She kept saying! She kept saying! Do you get it? She kept saying! No matter what she felt like, no matter how much others tried to discourage her, even though the problem was 12 years old, and the crowd looked impossible to get through, this woman got her miracle. Jesus told her that it was her faith that had made her whole. Her faith was released through her words. Faith has to be activated if it is to work, and one of the ways we activate it is through our words. Keep saying-- and don't give up hope!


Stay Supernaturally Relaxed

Come to Me, all You who labor and are heavy-laden and overburdened, and I will cause you to rest.
                            -- Matthew 11:28

The longer we know the Lord, the more relaxed we should become when we face situations that try to steal our peace. Previous experience with God is valuable because we learn that somehow He always comes through. Each time we face a new crisis, we can remember that even though He may not have done exactly what we wanted Him to do, He always did something that worked out. Relaxing in the face of trials helps us to maintain our peace with God.

New believers who do not have personal examples on which to build their confidence in God must be more dependent on examples in the Bible of God's faithfulness. The testimonies of other believers can also greatly encourage them. Remember, Jesus said that we are to come to Him when we have problems,and He will give us rest.

Jesus wants us to live in a relaxed state, not tense, uptight, worried, or anxious about yesterday, today, or tomorrow. We can stop reasoning and trying to figure out what we need to do. And the Lord doesn't want us to be upset with other people who aren't doing what we want them to either.

Jesus wants us to trust Him and relax. I call this being supernaturally relaxed, because in the natural we may have difficulty learning how or finding time to relax. But when God adds His super to our natural, we end up with supernatural. We can have supernatural relaxation!Jesus was saying, 'Come to Me about anything, because I always want to help you with everything.' There's nothing too little and nothing too big to take to Him. You can't take too much. You can't have too many requests.


Finish What You Start

For We have become fellows with Christ and share in all He has for us, if only we hold our first newborn confidence and original assured expectation firm and unshaken to the end.
                                    ----- Hebrews 3:14

Do not, therefore, fling away your fearless confidence,for it carries a great and glorious compensation of reward.
                                          --- Hebrews 10:35

But we do desire for each of you to show the same diligence and sincerity in realizing and enjoying the full assurance and development of hope until the end.
                                               --- Hebrews 6:11

All of the scriptures above should be meditated upon and taken very seriously. God is not interested in our starting things that we never finish. It is easy to begin, but it takes great courage to finish. In the beginning of a new thing we get all excited. We have a lot of emotions( Ours and everyone else's) to support us. When the emotions wear off and all that is left is a lot of hard work and the need for extreme patience, we find out who really has what it takes to truly succeed.

In God's mind we are never successful if we stop somewhere along the way. He wants us to finish our course and do it with joy!If you have been tempted recently to give up-- DON'T!If you don't finish the thing you are currently involved in, you will face the same challenges in the next thing you start. Some people spend all their lives starting new things and never finishing anything. Let us make a decision that we will be more than people who never reached their full potential.




耶稣正前往耶路撒冷的路上,要完成他在十字架上的任务.群众蜂拥而至包围他,矮小的撒盖 非得爬上一棵树,才看得到耶稣.撒该原想,只想看最伟大的教师一眼,就心满意足,但耶稣居然停下来,抬头直视他!那时撒该在人群中根本不受注意,就这样,撒该开始一段与耶稣同处的时光,而这个际遇彻底的改变了他的生命.



Laughter: Good Medicine 笑是良药

喜乐的心乃是乃是良药. A merry heart does good, like medicine.
                                                                  Proverbs 17:22

嘎尼克 所著的'美好家园'一书中,有一篇题为'常笑豁达得健康'的文章,对几千年前所罗门在箴言中所写的做了回应.嘎尼克说:'医学研究显示,幽默谐趣是良药--的确可以帮助你保持健康的身体.' 他又说到有位叫做弗莱的医生,形容人的笑是'内部的缓步跑'. 对人的心血管系统非常有益.

Nick Gallo, in his better Homes and Gardens article titled ' Laugh Your Way to Good Health.' makes an observation that echoes what Solomon wrote thousands of years ago. Mr. Gallo said,' New research shows that humor is good medicine.-- And says that it's good for a person's cardiovascular system.


Comparing laughter to exercise, Gallo points out that when a person laughs heartily, several physical benefits occur. There is a temporary lowering of blood pressure, a decreased rate of breathing, and a reduction in muscle tension. He reports that many people sense a 'relaxed afterglow'. Gallo concluded, 'An enduring sense of humor, especially combined with other inner resources such as faith and optimism, appears to be a potent force of better health.'


Christians, above all others, should benefit from laughter because we have the greatest reason to be joyful. Our faith is firmly planted in God, and our optimism is based on the assurance that we are under His wise control.


Don't be afraid to enjoy a good laugh-- It's good medicine!


Who Do You Wrok For? 你为谁工作?


More than 2000 years ago a sculptor erected a statue in a Greek temple. He had spent much time perfecting it. When asked why he gave the same painstaking care to the back, which wouldn't be seen, as he did to the front, he replied,'that's the way I always work. Men may never see it , but I believe the gods do !'


How much greater reason Christians have for doing their work conscientiously! They labor not for applause nor merely for the joy of accomplishment, but they strive for the approval for their Creator and Redeemer, and for the blessing of mankind.


God created man with a mind and a body, and they function best when occupied with fruitful endeavor. Even before sin entered the world, He assigned Adam the task of tending the Garden of Eden. Work has become more difficult because of Adam's sin, but it is always honorable. Even the lowest type of service can be performed with the highest motive--that of honoring God. Labor done for His glory transforms common drudgery into a wonderful opportunity that brings joy and satisfaction.


Today, pause to consider Paul's admonition and determine anew to perform your daily tasks faithfully--'not with eye service, as men-pleasers, but in sincerity of heart,fearing God.


The Big Piece 大的一片


You may have heard the story of two friends who met for dinner in a restaurant. Each requested filet of sole, and after a few minutes the waiter came back with their order. Two pieces of fish, a large and a small, were on the same platter. One of the men proceeded to serve his friend. Placing the small piece on a plate, he handed it across the table.

他的朋友惊叫起来:'这样嘛,你的确厚面皮!'另一个反问:'是什么正困扰你呀?' 对方回答'请看看你自己做了什么?你竟然把小的一片给我,而自己却保留大的.'那人再问他的朋友:' 那你会怎么做?' 这位朋友回答:'如果由我来分,我必定会把大的给你.' 那人便回答说'那么,我已经拿到这片大的了.可不是吗?'到此,两人都笑了起来.

'Well, you certainly do have nerve!'. exclaimed his friend. ' What's troubling you?' asked the other. 'Look what you've done.' he answered. 'You've given me the little piece and kept the big one for yourself.' 'How would you have done it ?' the man asked. His friend replied, 'if I were serving, I would have given you the big piece.'  'Well,' replied the man.' I've got it, haven't I?' At this, they both laughed.


Innate selfishness, however, is no laughing matter. When James and John asked Jesus for a prominent position in His kingdom, and the other 10 disciples heard it, they were indignant. We may presume that they too wanted to sit in the places of authority.


How often our old nature demands the big piece or the prominent place! We try to maneuver for positions of authority and leadership. Instead, we must follow the example of our Lord, who 'did not come to be served, but to serve'